Are you a start-up company looking to gain information about which type of IT structure is best for you? Maybe you’re an established business that is just looking for a more efficient way to do things. Knowing the advantages that come with using both a centralized and decentralized IT structure makes it easier to know which is best suited for you. While you ponder, always keep potential growth in mind, as well as your organization’s unique goals. Keep reading to learn more.

What’s the Difference?

At first, every communication network was centralized. A centralized network connects each user to a singular central server that holds all user info and network data. In comparison, a decentralized network utilizes multiple P2P groups of users. Every group uses a specific servicer that keeps data, as well as information that is pertinent to that specific group. Decentralized networks were improved upon during the Cold War as researchers worried that using a centralized server made them too vulnerable — that the effects of an attack would be significantly destructive.

The Benefits of a Centralized IT Structure

  • Decreased hardware spending: By having all networking equipment and servers in a single place, you’re likely to lower what you spend on hardware. When your IT is decentralized, more equipment can be required to distribute across different locations.
  • Better productivity from IT staff members: Centralized structures can give IT staff the opportunity to keep a closer eye on your networks. With only one server to tend to, their time can be spent thoroughly managing updates, installations, and other day-to-day operational tasks. You are also likely to need fewer staff members to manage a centralized IT structure.

The Benefits of a Decentralized IT Structure

  • Customizable IT configuration and selection: IT networks are not one-size-fits-all. Different departments usually require different equipment and configurations. By separating the network into groups, you’re offering staff members the power to accommodate their individual needs.
  • Increased safety for your organization: Decentralized networks are considered notably more secure than centralized ones. It’s harder for hackers to gain all of an organization’s information from multiple servers than it is to invade one server. The need for this security increases as, according to, the FBI reports that cybercrime has seen a 300% increase since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. Additionally, should there be a network failure for one department, other departments can then offer a backup server.

Generally speaking, decentralization allows for faster deployment and responses to issues than a traditional centralized environment. The IT structure that is right for your organization is going to be different from another organization, as you have a special set of needs. Many businesses delve into both models, not utilizing an entirely centralized or decentralized structure. For more information about this topic, or if you have any questions about our data center services such as data center cooling or data center management, contact LDP Associates.