What’s Making Edge Data Centers Become More Prominent?
With how many people live their lives online, it is incredible, so few people actually think about where all of this information exists. In the [...]
3 Factors to Consider When Designing Your Data Center
Data center construction may seem like a relatively simple task since they're typically big open spaces in warehouses but there's a lot to consider. If [...]
Data Center Maintenance: What Steps to Take
Did you know that according to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 3 million data centers in the United States? This is because data [...]
5 Key Steps in Proper Data Center Maintenance
Are you properly maintaining your data center? Proper data center cooling practices should be a key item on your maintenance list, but there are other [...]
Everything to Know About Tactical Edge Servers
The United States Department of Defense is at the forefront of cloud-computing development efforts, which have been consistently growing. According to Statista, 400 billion U.S. [...]
Essential Steps for Starting an Edge Data Center
Edge data centers are a perfect way to take advantage of recent technological innovations. Edge computing streamlines data center maintenance, but proper preparation is also [...]