If you have an enterprise-scale business, then you use edge devices. These devices get their name due to their position within your network, which near the “outside” of your network setup. Typically, this is the point of entry (or exit) of information to access your system, acting like a bridge. These devices can be routers, switches, or servers, to name a few examples.
One of the key advantages of utilizing edge technology is that data can live “closer” to the people accessing it, when appropriate. For example, if you’re hosting a website or services where some pieces are stagnant and non-sensitive (e.g., infographics, background articles), that information can reside on an edge server and be served to users more rapidly, while services such as credit card submission or access of medical records can require communication with the primary data center.
So how should these systems be managed—as separate entities with different requirements, or under a common umbrella?
The Edge Connected to Data Center
Perhaps in your analysis, you’ve realized that based on your business needs, there is not that much of a functional difference between your data center and edge devices. If this sounds like your world, then you can consolidate maintenance and upgrade needs by combining your edge technology and your data center needs in the same grouping. You can purchase prefabricated data center modules to make the setup of your ideal system even easier.
The Edge as its Own Cloud
If you are in a business where data or information must be accessed very quickly or it could spell disaster for your transaction, or if the requirements of your edge servers are vastly different than the functions of your data center servers, then consider setting up your edge devices as their own cloud system.
Often edge devices are performing specific functions that are not the primary function of your data center machinery—or possibly not a function of them at all! Leave the data center services in the data center, where they belong, and separate the necessary tasks to your edge devices. Maintenance and service can be faster and more efficient.
Whether you’ve decided what is best for your organization or you still have more questions, LDP Associates is ready to help establish both the data center services and edge services you need for your business to run at peak efficiency.