Energy monitoring helps you understand how energy is being used in your facility, which allows you to measure your equipment’s energy usage. With energy monitoring, you’re able to find issues in your energy usage and control consumption levels. Here are 3 major tips for sustained energy performance and savings.
Start Building Energy Awareness
Find information on your facilities utility usage. You can find this information through utility bills, load profiles, and energy audits. Utility bills show you not only your monthly usage, but power factor penalties and demand surcharges. You may also be able see what’s causing your peak demand charges. You can possibly find errors in your billing as well and save your facility money. There are also energy audits that have utility bill reviews, faculty energy inspections, and energy measurement spot checks. You’ll be able to find areas you can improve in your energy management plan.
Monitor Your Energy Usage
Replace your older, energy-sucking equipment with newer and more efficient equipment. You can upgrade your lighting, heat and air conditioning, variable speed drives, and cooling systems, which could save 10-15% of your energy. You can achieve 5-15% energy savings by fine-tuning your automation schemes. Monitor your energy consistently by implementing energy management systems and software, and you’re able to reduce your energy usage by another 5-15%. In fact, LDP Associates offers peak demand shaving solutions that can reduce your energy costs by a whopping 40%.
Energy management software can help your team visualize energy-saving opportunities you can take advantage of. One example is a heat map that can show you how much energy is being used throughout the day.
Act Immediately
After discovering what is using the most energy, start making adjustments. Energy reduction can help your company meet its sustainability goals, and there are federal incentives to help you fund solutions that reduce energy usage. EcoStruxure Power solutions from Schneider Electric provides you energy-measurement for your facility. LDP Associates is dedicated to helping Phoenix businesses with energy reduction for their data center. Contact us today.